Quad Tree Images
This art form recursively partitions an image into quadrants, towards lower entropy.
The project is maintained on GitHub: here.
- Partition the image into four quadrants.
- Color each quadrant based on the average color of the pixels in the target image.
- Compute each quadrant's squared error between the original target image and the generated image.
- Select the quadrant with the highest error and recur into it.
- Repeat from step one, using the current highest error quadrant.
- To avoid local minima, and/or force the algorithm to focus on areas of high entropy, there is a randomness variable (0 - 100%) to help the algorithm generate "better" results. The default value is 5%.
- In order to have well defined grid lines, it is recommended to use an image with dimensions that are power of 2. (Squares are not required, 512x256, is also perfectly ok.)
- Algorithm inspired by Michael Fogleman's post.
My Profile picture. (left: original, middle: without grid borders, right: with grid borders)