Magus Map Maker - 2D Multilayer Map
Note: for a more fully featured map maker, I would recommend using Tiled
This is just something I made a few years back to ease personal game development. Magus Map Maker is a 2D multilayer game map maker written in Purebasic.
- Multiple Layers - make maps up to 3 layers plus an additional "attribute" layer used to store other information about the map tiles.
- Load tilesets - Supports BMP,JPEG,PNG,TIFF,and TGA.formats.
- Save/Load - After working hard on maps, easily save/load them. Also features a save to image feature, so that you can view your whole map in one image file.
- Tilenator - This feature can turn a tilesheet into a directory of invidual tiles, and vice versa.
- Help Files - Online help documentation to ease use.
For more extensive documentation concerning Magus Map Maker refer to the online help files: Online Help
- Kenny Cason
Beta Testers - University of Arkansas Game Development Club